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Version: 3.x


The ink_storage crate acts as the standard storage library for ink! smart contracts. At the moment it only provides a single low-level primitive for interacting with storage, the Mapping.

The Mapping is a mapping of key-value pairs directly to the contract storage. Its main advantage is to be simple and lightweight. As such, it does not provide any high-level functionality, such as iteration or automatic clean-up. Smart contract authors will need to implement any high level functionality themselves.

Eager Loading

When executing a contract, all the fields of the #[ink(storage)] struct will be pulled from storage, regardless of whether or not they are used during the message execution.

Smart contract authors should be aware of this behavior since it could potentially affect their contract performance. For example, consider the following storage struct:

pub struct EagerLoading {
a: i32,
b: ink_prelude::vec::Vec<i32>,

impl EagerLoading {
pub fn read_a(&self) {
let a = self.a;

In EagerLoading::read_a() we only read the a storage item. However, the b storage item will still be loaded from storage. As a reminder, this means accessing the underlying database and SCALE decoding the value. This can incur high costs, especially as the number of elements in b grows.


Eager loading does not apply to Mapping fields, though, as key lookups in mappings are done directly from contract storage.