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Version: 6.x

Sirato Verification Service

Web3 Labs have made available a public version of their verification service to cater for the ink! and DotSama ecosystems. This can be used alongside the verifiable build image container to verify ink! smart contracts.

The following steps outline how to create a verifiable build and subsequently verify it using these services.

Performing a verifiable build

You should already be familiar with using cargo-contract to compile your contract.

You will need to install the ink! verified image crate:

cargo install — git

You can now perform a verified build by running the following command in the smart contracts project folder:

build-verifiable-ink -i .

Reproducable builds only work with cargo-contract >= 2.0.2 and contracts generated with that version onwards. To work around this you can use the signed metadata file instead.

If you were to use the flipper example you would see output similar to the below:

[5/5] Generating bundle

Original wasm size: 20.6K, Optimized: 1.4K

The contract was built in RELEASE mode.

Your contract artifacts are ready. You can find them in:

- flipper.contract (code + metadata)
- flipper.wasm (the contract's code)
- flipper.json (the contract's metadata)
adding: src/ (stored 0%)
adding: src/Cargo.lock (deflated 75%)
adding: src/Cargo.toml (deflated 52%)
adding: src/ (deflated 72%)
adding: flipper.contract (deflated 64%)
Verification package in /build/target/ink/
Archive: /build/target/ink/
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
0 2023-03-08 21:41 src/
105695 2023-03-08 21:28 src/Cargo.lock
573 2023-03-08 20:40 src/Cargo.toml
5177 2023-03-08 20:40 src/
5278 2023-03-08 21:41 flipper.contract
--------- -------
116723 5 files

If you have any issues running the build, you can built it yourself by running the following commands:

cd ../
git clone
cd ink-verifier-image
docker build . -t ink-verifier:develop
cd ../flipper
build-verifiable-ink -t develop .

There will now be a package zipfile available which contains the contract source code, metadata and Wasm binary:

tree -L 3
├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
└── target
└── ink

Now that you have created the verified build, you can deploy your contract.

Once deployed, you will need to make a note of the contract's code hash in order to verify it.

Verifying an ink! smart contract

Using the verification service web app

The ink! Verification Service is a RESTful web service created for verifying smart contracts deployed using pallet-contracts.

Web3 Labs host a public instance of the service at A Swagger interface to the service is also avilable at

ink! Verification Service Swagger endpoint

The verification process entails the following steps:

  1. A requestor uploads the source packge archive for a network and code hash
  2. The server checks that:
    • The source code for the network and code hash is not already verified or being verified
    • There is enough host resources to start a new verification
  3. The server downloads the pristine Wasm byte code correspondening to the provided network and code hash
  4. The server streams the archive if it is a compressed archive
  5. The server moves the staging files to the processing directory
  6. The server runs a container process for the verifier image to verify the package in processing. See source code verification workflow for details
  7. On the event of container exit the server moves the verified artificats to the publish directory if the verification was successful, otherwise keeps a log in the errors directory

It works with any network that is defined in the @polkadot/apps-config package.

In order to verify a deployed contract using the service you will need to use the /verify/{network}/{codeHash} endpoint which is documented here.

Once a contract has been verified you can use the /contract/{codeHash}/metadata.json and /contract/{codeHash}/src endpoints to retrieve metadata and source code respectively.

Using Sirato

Sirato Substrate is a smart contract explorer for ink! smart contracts. It integrates with the contract verification service allowing users to upload package files generated by the verifiable build image via the Sirato UI instead of having to use the web endpoint.

In addition once a contract has been verified, details of any contract activity and events taking place on a parachain or Substrate chain are decoded for the user in Sirato.

For instance, in order to verify a contract deployed on the Rococo parachain, you can head to the Sirato instance at

Sirato Substrate

From there you can navigate to the deployed code by clicking on the Code reference that matches the code hash returned by the cargo contract instantiate call.

Alternatively, you can navigate directly by entering the URL<code-hash>.

Sirato contract instance view

Now click on the source code tab:

Sirato package upload page

Then upload the verified file that you generated earlier.

Sirato package upload complete

You can now start the verification process which kicks off a build of the provided resources.

Sirato package verification

Once the process has finished you will see the message Contract successfully verified.

Sirato package verification complete

Clicking Browse verified files will display the associated metadata and source files for your contract.

Sirato browse verified contract

If we then browse back to our contract instance, any methods or events will now be decoded.

Sirato decoded contract transaction

We can verify this by invoking a method on the contract. We can now see the decoded method that was called in Sirato.

Another Sirato decoded contract transaction

Unverified metadata upload

The verification service supports uploading signed contract metadata as an additional alternative to reproducible builds generated metadata. Please note that the signed metadata is not verified and the owner of the code hash is trusted.

This feature responds to:

  1. The support for build_info data is only available from cargo-contract 2.0.2.
  2. There is no official image or procedure regarding reproducible builds yet.
  3. We want to expand the service utility in the meantime.

Although it is a far from ideal way to bind the metadata to a given code hash it prevents trivial exploitation by:

  • Verifying that the signature is from the owner account of the code hash.
  • Verifying that the signed message matches the sha256 of the uploaded metadata.json + the code hash of the uploaded contract bytecode.

To provide signed metadata, you will need to use the /upload/{network}/{codeHash} endpoint which is documented here

For the request body you will need to sign this message using the account that uploaded the contract. You can use the sign and verify tool in Polkadot.js.

It is also possible to use Sirato for this, you can find instructions here.